Palmer, Parks, Graves and Glover Families Publications of Interest

Various Family Histories

Daddy Was a Lord of the Realm? No, but Grampa was a Tennis Pro, the story of the Hooker-Povall gang

Various Property Records and Maps

John and Elizabeth (Clay) Bruce Property ca 1790 excerpt from Back of the Cane: Early Virginia surveys in today's Garrard County, Kentucky, 1775-1789, by Fred Logan Simpson, Garrard County, KY, 1992

Bruce Property as county lines changed, overlayed on modern topo-map

John Henry Palmer Patent, Lincoln County, Missouri

Fifty Years in Buckingham County, Virginia

Miscellaneous Items

Probably a Palmer Album

Probably Lottie (Parks) Reed Palmer's album

Probably Henry Laramie Palmer's Album

Glover Album
Chart of Palmers, Parks, Glovers and Graves

Family Bible of Clarissa (Palmer) Glover

 Clarissa Palmer married Richard Fentem 27 March 1834, in Lincoln County, Missouri. She remained there until after 1870, when she moved to Stanislas County, California to live with her son, Richard Burton Fentem. John Henry Palmer, with his wife Catherine Nowlin Graves and their family had moved to Oregon in 1853. These are from letters found among Catherine's effects when she died in 1907.

Letter from Clarissa (Palmer) Fentem to brother John Henry Palmer, 6 March 1883

Letter from Clarissa (Palmer) Fentem to brother John Henry Palmer, 6 March 1883, Annotated

Letter from Clarissa (Palmer) Fentem to brother John Henry Palmer, 17 July 1883

Letter from Clarissa (Palmer) Fentem to brother John Henry Palmer, 17 Jul 1883, Annotated